Puerto Rican Rock Formations

Puerto Rico at it's Best!

By Jesse Grafft

Puerto Rico is a very nice geologic place.
My study is based all over the island. My study is generally based on
the plants and rock formations. The island of Puerto Rico is almost rectangular in shape, and
is the smallest and farthest eastern island of the Greater Antilles. Puerto Rico is on the
Caribbean plate. Its coasts measure approximately 700 km. To the north and south seas capes measure 8.525 m
for the grave of Puerto Rico and 5.000 m for the grave of Tamea. The study falls under natural rocks and
vegetation. Therefore no natural disasters associated with my study. For sports-wise you can ride rental bikes
on trails, boogie board, and surf. Puerto Rico is fished as an island. Islands related could be Hawaii, Bahamas
Barbados, Easter Island, and New Zealand.

Puerto Rico's flag

Vista Morro Point

Guaja Taca

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