The Extinction of the Dinosaurs!

Theories on what really happened

By Mikel van Kranenburg

There are many theories as to why the dinosaurs became extinct.
One of the many reasons is because of a large crater. Below are 2 pictures of craters.
The one on the right shows what the earth would look like if it was hit by a meteor half
on land and half off. There is evidence of dinosaurs everywhere, and along with that evidence
there are also signs which prove why they became extinct. For instnace, lack of food, drastic
weather changes, and fiery balls from the meteor impact.

It is sad to know something existed but you never get to see it.
Well fear not for you can , once again, see dinosaurs. You can see their fossils
in museums and the tar pits in Los Angeles.

No one exactly knows what happened to the dinosaurs so people
have to just make their own theory. Some whihc are more reasonable than others.
One being the formerly solid meteorite. Another being the great flood and last but
not least, they killed each other off, disrupting the chain of life.

Barringer Meteor Crater

crater vs. greenhouse

Half and Half

There are many theories suggested about the extinction of the dinosaurs. They range from as reasonable ideas as an asteroid hitting earth to little gren aliens eating them all. No one really knows for sure.

If you havent made up your mind, click on the link below to look at some of the links i have reviewed

Click Here for Links I've reviewed.