Oklahoma City Tornado

The Tornado

By Zac Baxter

The Oklahoma City tornado destroyed a lot of countryside. It also damaged
a lot of the city without having any mercy.
In the picture of the town there is a car wrapped around a tree to show
the raw power of the tornado. Until I found this picture I didn't understand
the raw power myself. Notice how everything except the tree was flattened.
The tornado left hundreds of people homeless and some missing.

Tornados are found in large storm systems called super cells. Super cells
are unique because the clouds are bubbled looking. Updrafts cause whirling movement.
That's why tornados occur during large thunder storms.
if the web page is the way you meant it to look?

Also Oklahoma is in the center of Tornado Alley where the Canada cold air and
the tropical warm air clash and create thunder storms.

The tornado itself

Tornado storms often have lightning

Raw power of the tornado

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