Nipomo Dune Lobe

Nipomo Dunes

Oso Flaco Lake Trail

Left photo: present day Oceano Dunes - inland, old Nipomo dunes.

The plan is to drive over and around the ancient Nipomo Dune Lobe and also do the Oso Flaco Lake Walk and do present day dunes and hit a quilt store and pick up some yarn... maybe get the car washed?!?

8:30AM take the Teft St exit to Nipomo Regional Park
8:50AM descend Division St to Santa Maria River floodplain.
9:00AM begin docent led walk at Oso Flaco Lake
11:30AM head north across the Nipomo Dune Lobe to Rock N Roll Diner, Oceano
1:15PM head back on Hwy 1 to Guadalupe to the Dune Center
1:45PM turn at the cemetery to Guadaupe Beach and the Santa Maria estuary 2:45PM return on Hwy 166 to Santa Maria and Creative Patches, Nipomo
3:30PM stop at Michaels in San Luis Obispo for yarn
4:00PM arrive back in Los Osos

Nipomo Regional Park
Turn 200ft past the last field
Satellite view of sandy path!

southern edge of lobe
Santa Maria River floodplain
Division St descends to farmland

Willow Road runs into Hwy 1
Dunes and Celery Lake
Celery Lake zoomed!

sandy path in Nipomo Park

Creative Patches
on N.Thompson Road
off Teft St

Sally finds another quilt store!

Nipomo Dune Lobe

The old lobe is covered over with vegetation and housing developments.
Between ice ages perhaps 160,000 yrs ago, the water level would have been high enough and lasted long enough to form the old dunes of this lobe.
The first stop at the regional park shows a sandy path leading up a rounded knob hill.
Follow the signs from Teft to Orchard to Divsion Street and descend down the bluff from the southern edge of the lobe into the Santa Maria River floodplain and farmland.
Take Oso Flaco Lake Road to the docent-led walk.
After the walk take Hwy 1 north across the lobe, descending down into the Cienega Valley and floodplain of the Arroyo Grande Creek in Oceano.

Click Here for Oso Flaco Lake Trail Hike