Popocatepetl, Mexico

By Karla Garcia

Below we can put in 3 photos and captions for each.
Remember, NO copyrighted photos.
Otherwise, right click on the photo and 'save as'... putting it on the desktop for now.
You'll email your version of this template to Mr R along with photos and a background.
You can capture Mr R's background by right clicking on it and 'save as'... to the desktop for now.

This box will be used to write an introduction to your topic.
Just type in a line and end it with 'br' in those angled brackets.
Don't forget to save your work from time to time.
Also, you can just hit the 'refresh' button to see
if the web page is the way you meant it to look?

Below the photos, you can add more text. Here are some shortcuts.
Ctrl+A (selects all), Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste), Ctrl+X (cuts)
Right-click on web pages, photos, and colorful backgrounds to 'save as'
You may want to print out a hard copy of the html code (txt file) for yourself.

La creacion de Dios



Here's a spot to write in more information!

Just replace these words with your own!
This template will automatically center your text.
Below is a 'link' where a single click will get us to our reviews of other websites.

Click Here for Links I've reviewed.