Review for Geology Final

Ch 1-Introduction Ch 2-Matter & Minerals Ch 3-Igneous Rocks Ch 4-Volcanic Activity Ch 5-Weathering & Soil Ch 6-Sedimentary Rocks Ch 7-Metamorphic Rocks Ch 8-Geologic Time Ch 9-Mass Wasting Ch 10-Running Water Ch 11-Ground Water Ch 12-Glaciers & Glaciation Ch 13-Deserts & Winds Ch 14-Shorelines Ch 15-Crustal Deformation Ch 16-Earthquakes Ch 17-Earth's Interior Ch 18-Plate Tectonics Ch 19-Ocean Floor & It's Evolution Ch 20-Mountain Building & Evolution of Continents Ch 21-Energy & Mineral Resources Ch 22-Planetary Geology Local Geology

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Related Terms

bioshpere - atmosphere, hydrosphere, solid earth
catastrophism - great catastrophes primarily shaped the Earth
crust - mantle - outer core - inner core
faunal succession - fossil organisms succeed each other in a definite order
historical geology - study of Earth's origin and development thru time
lithosphere - asthenosphere
physical geology - study of materials and processes
plate tectonics - convergent(subduction), divergent, transform boundaries
rock cycle - igneous(cooling), sedimentary(lithification), metamorphic + weathering
superposition - younger layers are on top in an undeformed sedimentary sequence
uniformitarianism - physical laws of today also operated in the past
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Chapter 2 - Matter & Minerals


cleavage -
color -
compound -
crystal form -
element -
fracture -
hardness -
luster -
mineral -
Mohs scale -
rock -
silicate mineral -
specific gravity -
streak -

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Chapter 3 - Igneous Rocks

Related Terms

andesitic - intermediate - diorite - andesite
basaltic - mafic - gabbro - basalt
batholith - stock - laccolith
Bowen's reaction series - magmatic differentiation - assimilation
concordant - igneous intrusions parallel to bedding - tabular - sill
discordant - (opposite of concordant) - dike
extrusive - volcanic - lava rocks - aphanitic
granitic - felsic - granite - rhyolite
groundmass - matrix - phenocrysts - porphyritic texture
intrusive - plutonic - magma crystallization - phaneritic - pegmatite
pyroclastic rocks - tuff - volcanic breccia
scoria - vesicles - pumice
xenolith - an inclusion of unmelted country rock in a pluton

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Chapter 4 - Volcanic Activity

Related Terms

andesitic magma - intermediate silica, gas content, composite cones
basaltic magma - fluid, low silica & gas, shield volcanoes, cinder cones
rhyolitic magma - viscous, high silica & gas, pyroclastics, volcanic domes
aa(jagged) - pahoehoe(ropy) - lava tubes - pillow lava
cinder cones - sheild volcanoes - composite or stratovolcanoes
crater vs caldera(>1km) - vent(volcanic neck) vs pipe(200km) - fumaroles
fissure eruptions - lava plateaus - Columbia Plateau
nuee ardente - lahar
pyroclastics - ash,dust,pumice,lapilli,cinders,blocks,bombs
volcanism - intraplate, spreading center, subduction zone
Yellowstone - pyroclastic flows

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Chapter 5 - Weathering & Soil

Related Terms

chemical - dissolution(subsurface limestone caverns, acid rain)
chemical - oxidation(rusting, mine acid)
chemical - hydrolysis(potassium feldspar to the clay, kaolinite)
mechanical - frost wedging(talus slopes),unloading(sheeting),joints
mechanical - thermal expansion, root wedging
laterites - soils where leaching has concentrated aluminum and iron oxides
regolith - soil(supports plant growth) - humus(decayed remains of life)
weathering - disintegration and decomposition of rocks near the earth's surface

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Chapter 6 - Sedimentary Rocks

Related Terms

bedding planes - cross-bedding - graded beds
chemical sedimentary rocks - limestone,chert,rock salt,dolostone(dolomite)
detrital sedimentary rocks - shale,sandstone,conglomerate,breccia
evaporites - rock gypsum,rock gypsum,Death Valley salt flats
fossils - mud cracks - ripple marks
lithification - compaction - cementation
peat - sedimentary(lignite & bituminous coal) - metamorphic(anthracite)
precipitation - inorganic - evaporation,chemical activity,limestone(travertine)
precipitation - organic or biochemical, corals(marine limestone),coquina
sandstone(2nd most abundant) - sorting(degree of particle similarity in size)
shale(most abundant) - fissility - mudstone
stratigraphy - facies - strata,beds
texture - clastic vs nonclastic

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Chapter 7 - Metamorphic Rocks

Related Terms

contact metamorphism - magma baking - aureole(halo zone of alteration)
contact metamorphism - hornfels(hard,nonfoliated metamorphic rocks)
fault zone metamorphism - brittle(fault breccia) - ductile(mylonites)
regional metamorphism - mountain building - greatest volume produced
regional metamorphism - high-grade metamorphism,folitated
shock metamorphism - impactites(melted or fused ejecta,tektites) - Meteor Crater
nonfoliated rocks - marble(limestone or dolostone),quartzite(quartz sandstone)
migmatites - partial melting(igneous) - unmelted metamorphic material
shale(sedimentary) - slate(chlorite) - phyllite - schist(mica,garnet) - gneiss

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Chapter 8 - Geologic Time

Related Terms

epochs - "Having perfect papers makes other efforts pointless." - recent
periods - Quarternary - Tertiary - Cretaceous - Jurassic - Triassic - of recent eras
eras - Cenozoic - Mesozoic - Paleozoic - eras of the Phanerozoic eon
eons - Phanerozoic - Precambrian(also divided into 3 eons)
radiometric dating(absolute) - radioactivity,half-life,isotopes - Carbon-14
relative dating laws - superposition,horizontality,cross-cutting
relative dating - inclusions - fossils,faunal succession(index fossils)
dinosaur extinction - KT boundary - impact theory - other mass extinctions
unconformities(vs conformable) -angular,dis-(hard to tell),non-(intrusive bodies)
upper(late,younger) - middle - early(lower,older)

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Chapter 9 - Mass Wasting

Related Terms

mass wasting - downslope movement of rock & regolith due to gravity
fast movement - falls(talus slopes),slides(slumps),flows(mudflows,earthflows)
slow movement - creep - solifluction(permafrost regions)
lahars(mudflows from the slopes of volcanoes,Mt St Helens,Nevado del Ruiz)
rock avalanches - long, runout landslides - Gros Ventre
triggers - water,slope steepness,earthquakes,removal of 'anchors'

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Chapter 10 - Running Water

Related Terms

oceans(97.2%)-glaciers(2.15%)-groundwater(0.62%)-surface lakes,streams(0.03%)
evaporation - transpiration(thru plants)
hydrologic cycle
precipitation - infiltration,runoff,or possibly part of a snowfield
stream gradient(slope),channel(shape,size,roughness),discharge(quantity of water)
stream discharge(cu.meters/sec)=channel area(sq.meters) X velocity(meters/sec)
headwaters - steep gradient,lower discharge,more turbulence but lower velocity
stream profile - middle tributaries,widening channel,smaller channel be material
mouth - lowest gradient,highest discharge,wide and smooth channel - base level
stream loads - dissolved,suspended(settling velocity),bed load(rolling,sliding,saltation)
stream loads - capacity(max particle quantity),competenece(max particle size)
channel deposits - bars,braided streams,flood plains,natural levees,back swamps,terraces
drainage - basin(source area separated from other basins by 'divides'),stream piracy
stream valleys - V-shaped,young(rapids,falls) - wide,mature(meanders,cutoffs,oxbow lakes)
water gaps - entrenched meanders(rejuvenation)
yazoo tributaries - distributaries - deltas(lake or ocean) - alluvial fans(valley floor)

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Chapter 11 - Groundwater

Related Terms

94% of liquid freshwater is groundwater
aquicludes - aquifers - springs(surfaced water table)
artesian wells(water rises above the aquifer) - flowing(pressure surface is above surface level)
wells - drawdown or cone of depression - subsidence - salt water contamination
hot springs - geysers
karst topography - caverns(stalactites,stalagmites) - sinkholes
effluent streams - groundwater contributes to the channel flow, humid regions
influent streams - stream contributes to the groundwater, arid regions, low water table
porosity(voids or open space size) - permeability(ability to allow flow thru the material)
zone of aeration - soil moisture at top to capillary fringe just above the water table
zone of saturation - water table - groundwater

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Chapter 12 - Glaciers & Glaciation

Related Terms

alpine(U-shaped valley) glaciers - ice sheets(including continental) - ice caps - piedmont glaciers
alpine landforms - cirque,arete,horn,hanging valley,tarn,pater noster lakes,truncated spurs,fiords
continental landforms-drumlins(parallel hills),roches moutonnee(bedrock),outwash plain,kettle,esker,kame(mound)
erosion - plucking,abrasion,rock flour,glacial striations,erratics
glacial drift(all inclusive term) - till(direct deposit) - stratified drift(meltwater sediment)
Ice Age(mostly Pleistocene) - Twenty 100,000 yr cycles matching earth's orbital shape changes?)
lateral moraines - medial moraines
terminal(end) moraines - advancing/retreating - accumulation/ablation
vertical cross-section - zone of fracture(crevasses),internal plastic flow,basil slip(bedrock)
zone of accumulation - snowline - crevasses - zone of wastage

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Chapter 13 - Deserts & Winds

Related Terms

30% of land surface - desert(arid) - steppe(semiarid,marginal transition)
desert landforms - alluvial fans,bajada,playa(dry lake),inselberg(Ayers Rock)
dune types-barchan(crescent),transverse,barchanoid(scalloped),longitudinal,parabolic(coastal),star
low-latitude deserts - Tropics of Cancer,Capricorn - prevailing winds,air pressure
middle-latitude deserts - rainshadow
water - ephemeral streams(wash,arroyo,wadi),playa lakes - most important erosion agent
wind - bed load(saltation) - suspended load - deflation,blowouts,abrasion,cross beds

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Chapter 14 - Shorelines

Related Terms

coasts - emergent(Palos Verdes marine terraces) - submergent(estuaries) manmade structures - jetties,groin(sand trap),breakwater(parallel),seawall
shoreline features - wave-cut platforms,spits,bars,tombolo,arch,stack,cave,barrier islands
tides - spring vs neap,gravitational forces,two high-lows per day,wetlands
wave erosion - abrasion,long shore current,beach drift,refraction
wave properties - amplitude,wavelength,period
wave types - transverse vs longitudinal - water waves of oscillation vs translation

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Chapter 15 - Crustal Deformation

Related Terms

compressional stresses - folding - plastic deformation
compressional stresses - reverse(thrust) faults
dip angle - strike bearing or heading
domes(laccoliths,salt domes) - basins - up- and downwarping
faults - dip-slip(normal,reverse) - strike-slip(transform or lateral)
folds - anticlines - synclines - recumbent,plunging
hanging wall - footwall
monoclines - hogbacks - fault scarps
tensional stresses - normal faults - graben,horsts - fault-block mts

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Chapter 16 - Earthquakes

Related Terms

aftershocks - foreshocks - prediction
elastic rebound theory
focus - epicenter(directly above the focus) - Benioff zones
magnitude - Richter Scale - seismographs - Mercalli intensity scale
tsunami - liquefaction - resonance - fire
waves - p(primary,compressional) - s(secondary,shear) -l(long,surface waves)

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Chapter 17 - Earth's Interior

Related Terms

magnetic field - reversals
Moho discontinuity - shadow zones
reflection - refraction(bending with speed variations)
s-waves - shear waves don't pass thru liquid outer core

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Chapter 18 - Plate Tectonics

Related Terms

boundaries - divergent, convergent, transform
evidence - fossil, paleomagnetic, paleoclimatic
hot spots - rift valleys
Pangaea - formation & breakup
Wegener - continental drift

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Chapter 19 - The Ocean Floor & Its Evolution

Related Terms

atoll - guyots - seamounts
black smokers - pillow lava
continental shelf - slope - rise + abyssal plain
Mariana Trench -
rift zones -
sediments (terrigenous - biogenous(diatoms) - hydrogenous(manganese nodules))
submarine canyons - turbidity currents - turbidites

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Chapter 20 - Mountain Building & Evolution of Continents

Related Terms

accretionary wedges - foreign terranes - microcontinents
ancient(Precambrian) rock masses - orogen(mountain belt) - craton(core)
Andean-type orogenic belt - Sierra Nevada - Coast Ranges in Calif - Andes
continental collisions - Appalachians - Urals - Alps - Himalayas - Tibetan Highlands
fault-block mountains - Basin & Range province - East African rift valleys
isostasy - isostatic adjustment - mountain roots - erosion - buoyancy
orogenesis - ?Laramide Orogeny(middle and southern Rockies)
post-orogenic uplift - Sierra Nevada

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Chapter 21 - Energy & Mineral Resources

Related Terms

coal - fossil fuel - swampy environment
cap rock - reservoir rock - oil trap - anticlines - fault traps
carbon dioxide - global warming
deposits - vein, ore, placer
diamonds in the ultramafic kimberlite - Bingham Canyon
nuclear - solar - wind - tidal - hydroelectric - geothermal
oil & natural gas - from the remains of marine life
renewable - nonrenewable

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Chapter 22 - Planetary Geology

Related Terms

Mars - Mons Olympus - Valles Marineris - desert
Moon - highlands - 4.5 billion yrs old - original crust
Moon - maria basins - 3.5 billion yrs old - flood basalt - Sea of Tranquility
Moon - rayed craters - Copernicus - millions of years old
asteroids - comets - meteors vs meteorites
dinosaur extinction - impact theory - KT boundary
nebular hypothesis
terrestrial vs Jovian planets
volcanic moons - Jupiter's Io - Neptune's Triton

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Local Geology


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