Student Awards

1999 Geology Department Awards!
Geology A-Honors Matt Chiang and Jonathan Young
Geology A Matt Hively, Barrett Spells, Jeff Marks
Honorable Mention - Kathleen Gibson, Jeff Koven, Alison Yang
Geology B-Honors Sara Smith and Nicole Roodhuyzen
Geology B Melinda Wynne

1999 Physics Department Awards!
Physics-Honors Sophomore - Chi-en Chien
Physics-Honors Juniors - Brenda Whitehead, Kento Yasuhara
Physics-Honors Seniors - David Grosher, Tamie Kanda
Physics Period 3 Eriko Atagi, Naoko Nakagawa, Jeff Tyber
Physics Period 4 Ayako Odanaka, Samarth Pal, Heather Innes
Physics Period 5 Jeff Klug, Behrang Parvin

Physics 2000 - Photo Award