Three high-school friends, Barbara Harris (b. 18 August 1945, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, USA), Barbara Parritt (b. 1 October 1944, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA) and June Montiero (b. 1 July 1946, New York City, USA) formed the Toys in Jamaica, New York. The group is best recalled for their 1965 hit “A Lover's Concerto”, a Supremes-influenced performance adapted from Bach's “Minuet In G”. “Attack”, another piece appropriated from a classical theme, also reached the US and UK charts but further releases, “May My Heart Be Cast To Stone” and “Baby Toys” were only minor US pop hits. Although a 1968 single, “Sealed With A Kiss” returned them to the US soul Top 50, the trio split up soon afterwards.


Discography:  The Toys Sing “A Lover's Concerto” and “Attack” (1966)**.

Filmography: It's A Bikini World (1967).