Hike Notes for Reservoir Canyon
For Ranger-Guided Hikes
SLO Parks and Recreation
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Getting There
Meet at the Parks and Recreation Office in SLO and follow somebody!
If you meet at the trailhead, don't miss the turnoff!
Reservoir Canyon Road (not exit!) is 100m past Fox Hollow Road.
Fox Hollow Road is 500m north of town.
It was hot midday. Bring water and snacks!
There's a steep descent to the creek. No strollers!
Keep the little ones at the waterfall! They'll like it there!
A big group took over 2 hours. The walk isn't that long without the stops.
Hike Notes
#45 Day Hikes in San Luis Obispo County, California - Robert Stone
Technu is recommended for poison oak.
The SloMansion has 9 rooms and a nifty website.
Before heading up the canyon, backtrack to the waterfall.
The 'horsetail' has been around for a 100 million years!
Perhaps thousands of years old, they challenge the Sequoia as the oldest living thing.
Their roots go down 10 feet to the bedrock.
Under the waterfall,a manmade cave had pipes pumping water to the city.
Above the waterfall was a working reservoir till the 1960's and a lake till the 1980's.
Cross 2 footbridges - blackberries, wild rose
Notice the outcrops of the green, metamorphic rock, serpentine.
Part of the Franciscan Formation formed as the oceanic plate dove under the continent.
Too much magnesium results in the 'barrens'. Notice the yucca fields, however.
Look for the serpentine barrens in the South Hills.
California's State Rock!
Honeysuckle, Black Sage (highly flammable), Christmas Berry
California Laurel Tree has much stronger bay leaves than the European kind.
As a wreathe it can be used as an insect repellent (vs meal worms in flour also?)

San Luis Obispo County
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July 22,2001