Krakatau, Sundra Strait


By Natasha Dallaire

Karakatau lies in the Sundra Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra.
Krakatau is a volcano and belongs to the Ring of Fire. On August 27,1883, at 10am Krakatau
exploded. This is said to be one of the largest explosions on earth in recorded time (VEI=6) and
it destroyed much of Krakatau island. It also is presumed to have killed about 36,000 people. This great eruption
of 1883 caused ash and stone hail to cover 300,000 square miles (483 sq kms) within a radius of 150 km.
Jakarta(Batavia) and around Sundra Strait, such as Anyer, Merak, Labuan, Kaliarda, Teluk, Betung, and Kota Agung became
pitch black. The hail of ash produced by the eruption obsturcted the view of the sun, as if it were gone. The ash also
caused global changes in weather.

You can visit Krakatau if you would like.
You can get there from Canti located in Kaliana about an hour of driving
from Bandar Lampung, and the boats will take you to the Krakatau area.

Map of Krakatau

Krakatau Erupting

Krakatau Erupting

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