The location of my research topic is the Hawaiian Islands and between
the islands in the pacific ocean. The Hawaiian Islands are on a hot
spot in the middle of the pacific plate. The type of studying that I'm
doing would come under volcanoes. Hawaii has only a couple of active
volcanoes. They erupt year round. Many disasters occur there, big eruptions
and big bad storms.
People mainly go to Hawaii to relax on the beautiful beaches or to surf. They have some of the best surfing in the world because of the reef. The only down part to having volcanoes are the lava flows and ash fall. The islands formed only in the last few millions of years. I love Hawaii that's why I chose to do it. Hopefully this topic will be as interesting to you as it was for me. |
River of Lava |
Lava Caves |
Lava Grand Canyon |
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