Here a huge mediation bowl is used to demonstrate resonance. By lightly dragging the blue, rubber mallet around the rim, we can make the room rumble!

These wine glasses don't have to be
expensive. Just wet the fingers and rub
with the right pressure and speed!

The the tuning forks have a resonant frequency of 256Hz (about middle C). Hitting one will cause the other tuning fork to resonate. To hear it, you have to put the sound box up to your ear. One tuning fork has sliding weights to change it's pitch (frequency).

Set up three pendulums, two with the same length. Start one swinging and watch the other (of the same length) start to resonate (swing). Also, attach a long rubberband and try jerking rapidly at the wrong frequency! You'll look like an idiot, but the kids seem to get a big laugh!

Tablecloth Trick  |  Monkey and Hunter   |  Bed of Nails  |  Centripetal ForceForce  |  Center of Mass