of |
The According to the results of Georgian scientists, published during the
last two decades (including foreign editions), the Black-Sea-Caspian region
on the whole, and adjacent territories of the Eastern Mediterranean are
regarded as an accretional mosaic of terrains of Gondwanian, Tethyan, Eurasian
and sometimes controversial origin [4]. Within this accretional
complex it is possible to identify both: South-Tethyan
and North-Tethyan terrains represented by fragments
of rocks characteristic to mature and immature island arcs, intra-arc and
back-arc basins, oceanic islands, mid-oceanic ridges, and micro-continents.
It has been suggested that the accretion of terrains took place repeatedly in
the Phanerozoic, but the continent/continent
collision in the Caucasian intersection occurred only once, at the final
stage of the Alpine plate tectonic cycle, in the Late Cenozoic time.
Therefore the terms Paleotethys, Mesotethys, Neotethys signify
not different oceans but the different stages of evolution of the same ocean
that existed, at least during the whole Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Early
Cenozoic. The main suture zone marking the location of oceanic Tethys, in the opinion of Georgian geologists, is the ophiolitic suture of North Anatolia-Lesser The Two large submeridional seismoactive faults: Abul-Samsar and Kechuti – are
situated within the limits of the CTU in the Djavakheti
volcanic highland (south Georgia). The first of them extends in SSW direction
to the Focal mechanisms of some Caucasian earthquakes confirm
the concept of collision of Eurasian and Arabian plate causing the
compression and squeezing of the Of considerable interest is the distribution of
earthquake sources in depth. The overwhelming of Caucasian earthquakes are shallow (crystal). Minimal depths (up to 10-15 km)
have. as a rule, strike-slip earthquakes whereas
shocks connected with thrusts and reverse faults are sometimes located at
much greater depths (up to 30-50 km). Sometimes, within a single focal zone
one can observe the increase of earthquake depths in northward direction.
This fact may be interpreted as under thrusting of southern blocks beneath
the northern ones (2, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17). Prof. Sh. Adamia |
Geologic evolution |
The geological evolution of As a result of horizontal
displacements of the certain lithospheric plates
within the Mediterranean belt during the Precambrian-early Mesozoic, the
generation and development of oceanic basins took place the present structure
of these basins is marked by rocks of ophiolitic
association. Judging by the latest data on ophiolites of the Dzirula
Massif (Gamkrelidze et
al. 1981) and also by paleomagnetic data, the
most ancient of these oceans, Prototethys (or
Paleotethys) developed in the course of time the
Precambrian up to the Middle Jurassic. At this time the Caucasian province
and Greater Caucasian island arcs with an interarc
rift of Fore range and Greater Caucasian and Precaucasus
marginal basins (Adamia, 1984; Fig. ). According to other opinion, the southern, Lesser In the rear of the gradually
closing paleotethys, the joining together of The next extension of Mesotethys occurred during the early Jurassic and
beginning of the Middle Jurassic. At the N active margin of Paleotethys (a margin of Mesotethys
according to Adamia, Zakariadze
and lordkipanidze (1977), the Transcaucasus
island arc and marginal sea of the Greater Caucasian can be discerned
(Fig. )). In terms of geological data, Paleotethys became Phase of compression (Fig. ).
The suture of the closed paleotethys is assumed to
be somewhere to the N of the Locki massif (Gamkrelidze, 1986; Fig. ). These movements
were accompanied by granite formation. One can suppose that the Lesser |
(Prof. I. Gamkrelidze) Introduction The The climate in Due to the diversity of climatic
conditions, the network of rivers and their discharge is irregular. The
network of rivers in Almost all the To the The capital of History
of geological study Georgia, as well as the Caucasus
as whole, was of great interest to naturalists, mainly geologist. For almost
150 years, it has been an object of geological study. From the beginning the
initiative and guidance, was in the hands of explorers from The promotion of the study of
Caucasian geological structure is connected with geologists of the Caucasus
Mining Department, including S.Simonovich, A.sorokin, L.Batsevich, G.Tsulukidze, and L.Konushevski,
and in the 1920s, E.Rengarten, I.kuznetsov,
B.Meffert, N.Pafenholtz
and A.Agalin. At the same time, the 1920s should be
considered as the years of inception of Georgian geology study. At that time quite young
geologists A.Janelidze, A.Tvalchrelidze and K.Gabunia,
founders of the Georgian geological School, began their activities. Since then their direct pupils, Georgian geologists I.Kacharava, I.Kahadze, G.Dzocenidze, A.Tsagareli, G.Tvalchrelidze, G.Zaridze, N.Tatrishvili, N.Schirtladze, M.Eristavi, I.Buachidze, G.Gvaxaria, M.Rubinshtein and
their disciples have made a valuable contribution to Geological science, and
the study of Georgia’s geological structure and mineral resources. An important role has also been by
outstanding Russian geologists V.Belousov, E.Khain, E.Milanovski, V.Muratov and others in the geological study of At present geological study in It should be noted that in the
early 1970s, Georgian geologists were among the first to consider the
evolution of Regional
geology The following tectonic units of
the recent geologic structure of 1. Fold
system of the Greater 2. The
Transcaucasian intermountain area (in geological
past a N part of the Transcaucasian island arc); 3. The
fold system of the Lesser Each of these tectonic units in
their turn consists of various (second and third) order tectonic units
(fig….) Stratigraphy The oldest – Precambrian and Lower
– Middle Paleozoic – rocks are exposed in all the tectonic units (fig…). They
are represented by gneisses, migmatites,
crystalline schists and amphibolites within the
Main Range zone of the fold system of the Greater Caucasus, the Georgian
Block (in the so–called Dzirula massif) and the
fold system of Lesser Caucasus (in the so-called Khrami
and Locki massifs; Adamia,
1984). Paleozoic rocks are exposed in the
central part (Svaneti Zone) of the S slope of the
Greater The Upper Paleozoic rocs are also
present in all tectonic units. In the Main Range zone crystalline rocks are
overlain by weakly metamorphosed sandstones, conglomerates and argillites
which contain Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian marine fauna (marine
molasses) Continental and coastal
calc-alkaline rhyolitic volcanic and coal-bearing
argillites with lenses of reef limestone are known in the Dzirula
and Khrami massifs. Lower-Middle Carboniferous
corals, brachiopods, foraminifer and terrestrial flora have been found in
this formation of Khrami Massif. Triassic sediments are observed in
the Dizi series of the Svanethi
zone apart from the above-mentioned Upper Paleozoic deposits. To the Triassic
also belong decitic-rhyolitic volcanic, quartz
sandstones and siltstones with variable thickness (80-5000m), which crop out
in the Dzirula Massif and contain flora of Triassic
age. Lower Jurassic-Aalenian
sediments, which everywhere rest transgressively,
are spread throughout all tectonic units of In the fold system of the Greater
Caucasus these deposits, more then 5000m in thickness, are represented by
black shales, sandstone turbidities, rhyolitic (in the lower part) and tholeiite-basaltic
(in the upper part) lavas and their pyroclastics. In the Georgian Block Lower
sediments (80-90 m thick) crop out only along the edges of Dzirula Massif and are represented by arcosic
sandstones, gravelstones, conglomerates, clays and
red zoogenic limestones containing rich marine
fauna (Ammonitico Rosso facies). In the S part of Khrami and Locki massife the Lower Jurassic consists only of terrigenous deposits (120-600 m thick). In the central part of the fold sistem of the Great Caucasus the Bajocian
stage is represented by graywacke-siltstone flysch, shales and marls, and
elsewhere by a thick (3500m) volcanogenic series, which contains marine fauna
and consist mainly of calc-alkaline basaltic, andesite-bazaltic
lavas and pyroclastics. Teproturbidites,
graywackes and conglomerates are rather scarce. The Batonian
Stage in the fold system of Great In the central and E parts of the
S slope of the Greater In W and
E parts of the Gagra-Java Zone an upper Jurassic
marine facies is present. In the lower part it is
represented by sandstones and clays (120-200 m)and
in its upper part by reef limestones (400-900 m). a rich marine fauna (ammonites, corals, etc.) is found in
these sediments. To the S and within the Georgian Block gypsumbearing
lagoonal-continental terrigenous
(Kimmerijian-Tithonian) deposits and to a losser extent alkaline basaltes
and pyroclastics are present. Upper Jurassic shallow-water limestones and marls, alternating with calc-alkaline
basalt-andesite-dacite volcanics,
are exposed at the W edge of Kharmi Massif and in
the Lock-Karaback Zone also. There is a variety of Cretaceous
deposits in In the Upper Cretaceous sediments
of the Mestia-Trileti, Flysch
Zone greywacke siltstone (in the lower part) and clastic
limestone (in the upper part) flysch (500-900 m)
prevail. Within the Gagra-Djava Zone and Georgian
Block, they are spread mainly as shallow-water limestones,
marls and glauconitic sandstones (250-1200 m), whereas to the W in the dzirula massif, a alkali basalt-phonolitic series (70-300 m) occurs locally. In Adjaria-Trialeti
zone the Upper Cretaceous is represented by a volcanogenic suite with
calc-alkaline basaltic composition, which in the lower part also contains the
Albian Stage. Stratigraphically
higher there then follow upper Turonian-Senonian limestones and marls (300-1200m). In the Arthvin-Bolnisi
Block and Lock-Karabach Zone transgressive
upper Cretaceous sediments are present, which subdivide into three parts. A cenomanian volcanogenic-carbonate series (900-1200m)
overlap directly the Khrami and Locki
massifs and Jurassic rocks. In ascending section there follows a basalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite series (1100-3300m) of Turonian-Santonian age. The uppermost part (Campanian-Maastrichtian) is represented by shallow-water limestones and marls with interlayers
of acidic tuffs (300-350 m). paleogene deposits are found in all tectonic units. In the S slope of the
Greater In the Georgian block the
Paleocene and Eocene consist of alternetion of limestones and marls (30-400m). In the middle part of the
Lirolepis horizon, a horizon of marls
is distinguished. Tectonics The The northeastern tectonic unit of
Georgia, the fold system of the Greater Caucasus, is characterized by a
distinctly expressed asymmetry in its structure: S verging, often isoclinal folding on the S slope and quiet, poorly folded
or monoclinal structures on the N slope and quiet,
poorly folded or monoclinal structures on the N
slope. Large, southeard-directed nappes are developed also on its S slope (Gamkrelidze, 1991). The above mentioned structures
provide evidence of the leading role of late Alpine under thrusting of the
comparatively rigid Georgian Block under the Greater The N boundary of
the Georgian Block, in its W part, is by a deep fault, which in the
sedimentary cover manifests itself as a regional flexure. Study of the
structural peculiarities of the Georgian Block has shown that its central and
W parts are caracterised by a mosaic block
structure of the basement and occurrence of typical above-fault folds in the
sedimentary cover. In the E area of subsidence of the Georgian Block its
cover is detached and shifted and towards the S together with the nappes of the S slope of the Greater Caucasus (Gamkrelidze and Gamkrelidze,
1977; Khain, 1984; (fig…) The adjara-Trialeti
Zone of the Lesser The Artvin-Bolniosi
block consists of two different tectonic units: The Javaxeti
zone (in the W) and Bolnisi Zone (in the E). In the
yang (Neogene Pleistocene) volcanic cover of the Javakheti Zone sublatitudinal
gentles folds are observed. Two deep submeridional seismogenic faults are established which served as
conduit channels for young lavas. The Bolnisi Zone
includes the horst-like Khrami salient of
pre-Alpine basement and the territory covered with Cretaceous and Paleogene volcanogenic rocks. Brachyanticlines
and steep faults of various orientations are developed to the S in a
sedimentary cover, which on the whole forms a gentle syncline (Gamkrelidze, 1984). The NE wedge of the Locki-Karabakh Zone forms part of The fold and fault system of the Adjara-Trialeti and Lock-Karabach
zones and the Artvini-Bolnisi Block were formed as
a result of the manifestation of late Alpine (neogene)
phase tectonic movements with the displasement of
masses from S to N (Gamkrelidze, 1976). Geological Evolution The Geological history of the Reconstractions of the history of movements of
large blocks of the Earth’s crust are impossible at present without using kinematic and paleomagnetic
methods, along with traditional geological investigations. During the
Precambrian time as a result of
horizontal displacement of the ancient East-European and African platforms,
as well as of certain lithospheric block (or
plates) within the Mediterranean belt during the Precambrian-Early Mesozoic,
the generation and development of oceanic baseins
took place. In the present structures, these basins are marked by roks of ophiolitic association. Judging by the
latest data on ophiolites of the Dzirula Massif (Gamkrelidze et
al.,1981) and also by paleomagnetic
data (Asanidze and Pechorcky,
1979; Asanidze et al., 1980), the most ancient of
these oceans, Prothotetys, developed from the late
Precambrian apparently up to the middle Jurassic. The transcaucasian
massif (of which the Dzirula massif is a part),
that had a crust of transitional type till the Late Paleozoic, was a microcontinent, or an island arc within the large oceanic
structure of the Prototethys (the same as th Paleotethys), consisting of
a vast oceanic basin in the south and probably a narrower one (Greater
Caucasian) in the North (fig…). In the middle of the early Carboniferous (Tournaisian?, Early and Middle Visean) there occurred a phase of compression that caused
the overthrusting of ophiolites
of the The closure of the Mesotethys ocean, as well
as of the Paleotethys relic basin, occurred as a
result of movements which spread from North to South. In particular, only the
northern part of the Mediterranean belt was affected by Bathonian
(Adygean), Late Cimmerian (pre-Cretaceouse)
and Austrian movements. These epochs of tectonic activity are associated with
intense manifestions of andesitic
volcanism and granitoid plutonism,
due to the processes of subduction on the
continental margin of the oceanic basins (Gamkrelidze,
1974a,b,1976). |