2-Dimensional Momentum Lab
Bethany, Stephanie, Carla and Cesare pose for a photo! (Anything to get on the website or did I offer them extra credit? I forget!)
Hi Matt!
One steel ball is rolled down a ramp and makes a glancing, elastic
collision with an identical ball
which starts at rest.
Always drop the first ball from the same height!
Run the A-ball first with no
collision and see how far it travels. This distance when divided by time will give us the initial velocity of A
before the collision with the B-ball.
The black line from the
plumb bob to the black circle will also be the diameter of our circle!
The carbon paper will help mark where A and B land after the collision.
Each student in the lab group
(usually 3 or 4 per group) will use the same initial momentum (mv)
of the A-ball.
However, adjust the B-ball
so that each student will measure
a different angle collision.
The matching colors here show the A and B ball landings for 4 students.
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