Chikao Robert Ryono

Uncle Bob & Auntie Mari

Slideshow of Pre-War Years

Chikao played football for San Pedro High
Went to Compton Junior College around 1938-9
Finished up at UC Berkeley in 1940-41
Left to go "back East" end of summer 1941
Pearl Harbor - December 7, 1941
Dental School - Temple University, Pennsylvania

Bob is stationed in an army hospital in Japan...
Uncle Tom & Auntie Hideko also have 3 children...
Click here to see their Korean War Years

Berkeley Friends
Berkeley Photos

Cabrillo Beach '41
with Mariko
Chepatchet 1941-2


1943 Philadelphia

at the Hamada's

Ike Igarolis?
Tsug Hamada - 1943

Atlantic City 1946
Eddie & Shigeko

Eddie & Tommy
Gracie too! Xmas '46

with Denis
March 1949

Patton St
Before Korean War?
Denis & Jim 1952?

3721 Patton St - 1954
Patton St Photos

12325 Gilmore Avenue
First TV
Gilmore Photos

Terminal Island - San Pedro, California
Before Dad passed away, he put together
a little book about the Terminal Islanders:
Although Patriotic, We Were Drydocked
He also helped to establish the Terminal Island Memorial.
He told many, many stories...
Unfortunately, we didn't write them down. Bobby remembered more than anyone else. Dad also took both sides of the family on fishing trips. Bobby and Uncle Tak fished the most with him. Here are some photos of Morro Bay Fishing Trips

January 2004
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