January 7, 1996


It is my distinct pleasure to convey my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of our 25th anniversary.

I am deeply honored to have the opportunity to express my respect and admiration to our membership for making this event possible and wish to dedicate this significant milestone to the memories of the many founders, especially to our first president, the late Bill Nakasaki, for his unparalleled dedication to the growth of our organization.

Although nothing remains of the pre-war community except the memories of the increasingly small number of Issei and Nisei, the identity as Terminal Islanders still lingers in the cooperative spirit and dedication which have become so characteristic of our club.

The lighthouse on the cover of this brochure (photo, courtesy of Tatsuo Shioji) not only brings back memories of the past, but also directs us to focus on the future to ensure the perpetuation of our organization.

On this memorable occasion, I wish to thank the membership for making this event possible. May the flame we lit twenty five years burn ever brighter in the years to come.


Yukio Tatsumi

President  Terminal Islanders