Charles Randolph Grean
Charles Randolph Grean, performer, songwriter, arranger and music industry
executive for more than 60 years, died Saturday (December 20) at a Manhattan hospital at the age of 90. Grean
was a copyist for the orchestras of Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw and Charlie Spivak. He arranged the string accompaniment for Nat King
Cole's "The Christmas Song" and composed the novelty hit "The
Thing," by Phil Harris in 1950. It went to No. 1 on the Billboard pop
chart. In 1969, he made his first recording with the Charles Randolph Grean Sounde, a musical ensemble,
of "Quentin's Theme," featuring music from the TV series "Dark
Shadows." Grean became the head of pop artists
and repertoire at RCA Victor in 1950.