Originally from Detroit, USA, Charles Clark (Libra), Larry Cunningham (Cancer), Paul Mitchell (Leo), Ralph Mitchell (Aquarius) and latterly, Jonathan “Mighty Midget” Murray, who joined the group in 1978, were responsible for one of soul's more aberrant moments. “Float On”, with its astrological connotations and Barry White-influenced machismo, was saved from utter ignominy by a light, almost ethereal melody line that was effective enough to provide the group with a US number 2 and a UK number 1 hit single in 1977. The Floaters could not survive the gimmick and although two further singles reached the R&B Top 50, this often-ridiculed performance remains their lasting testament.


Discography: Floaters (ABC 1977)***, Magic (ABC 1978)**, Into The Future (ABC 1979)**.