Valencia Peak - West Approach

Valencia Peak Trail

Hike Notes and Photos

South Approach

Montana de Oro

Park by the Bluffs Trailhead just beyond Holloway Garden.
These parking spots overlook Spooner's Cove.
Walk across and begin at the signed trailhead, Valencia Peak Trail.
One can also hook up with this trail form the Oats Peak Trail.
Mostly you'll see California Sage (artemisia californicus or Cowboy's Pefume) and Coyote Bush
You'll be walking over Miguelito Shale which formed about 2 mya.
Enjoy the flowers on the way up because you'll be moving fast on the return.
Also stop to enjoy the sheep still grazing on PGE land
and of course the view of Estero Bay and Morro Rock.
Did anyone tell you this 4 mile hike was rated as strenuous?

California Sage

Coyote Bush

Indian Paintbrush


Okay, I didn't take some pictures of ...
Sticky Monkey and California Poppies
All other photos were taken right along the trail.


Coast Bush Lupine

Lupine Flower

Wild Cucumber

Miguelito Shale is harder than most shale.
The diatoms that settled on the ocean bottom have
silica or quartz shells which result in this hard shale.
Notice the compression that folded and tilted the shale strata
resulted in striking dip angles on either side of the hiking ridge.
Not to be confused with the 30mya Monterey Shale, this shale was formed
about 2mya and was named after Miguelito Canyon just south of here.

View north

Overhanging Shale

View south
near the top

Here are some photos taken with the hope...
that I can get them identified!






Valencia Peak! Over 1300 ft
Views east and south
On the PGE ridge to the south is a stand of Bishop Pine
They're in danger of dying out because they need fire
to cause their seeds to germinate.
Below to the south is Coon Creek.
To the north would be Islay Creek.
To the south is a ridge which is the South Approach.

Valencia Peak


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