Kats Ryono

Uncle Kat

Some Photos from my Dad's album

Photo Notes
Before "the War" and evacuation.
Manzanar Relocation Camp
After the War in Germantown, Pennsylvania.
Trip back east to Chepatchet, R.I.
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Chikao & Katsumi

Ryono Family Photo
639 Barracuda St, T.I.

around 1939

Kats - Manzanar

Manzanar 1942

Chiyomatsu passes away
May 1945

Uncle Kat with Karen
Christmas 1946

Ryonos - 1946
Germantown, PA

Bob & Kats
Christmas 1946

Kats & Fred
Providence, R.I. 1946

Chepatchet, R.I.
August 1946

Peck Pond, Chepatchet

Uncle Kat was Chikao's Best Man - 1947 Germantown wedding
Auntie Kay finally told us Uncle Kat was born in Japan as ______.
On the return trip from Japan, a passport 'appeared' which showed a Katsumi born earlier in America.

January 2004 Back in LA and Fishing
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