Uncle Kat - Fishing

Back In Los Angeles

More photos from my Dad's album

Photo Notes
Returning to Los Angeles from back east
Marrying Auntie Margaret & Raising Steve and Stacie
Fishing and Family
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Auntie Margaret
Uncle Kat

Uncle Kat
with the kids

Chick & Kats
Chevy Truck?

Uncle Kat - Crowley
Opening Day - 1963

Mike, Hank, Kats
Opening Day smiles!

2021 - Steve's Stories (video)
Steve & Chris

Uncle Kat

Fred & Kats
Big Fish!

Steve, Bruce, Lisa
Christmas 1963

With Stacey
1st Ryono Reunion

21 months - 1967

Jim & Uncle Kat
Uncle Fred & Uncle Bob

Auntie Margaret!

Auntie entertaining
Rob & Auntie Miko

For Uncle Kat

January 2004 Back to Uncle Kat
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